Git branch names since 4.0

Re: Upgrading directions from 3.11.5+ (Build: 20220226)

by Ken Task -
Number of replies: 0
Particularly helpful Moodlers की तस्वीर
Ah, well .. am not disappointed .... no need for another thread then.

So for folks thinking about using git or wanna use, just to be clear ...
@Stavros posting is a way to initialize an existing moodle code directory that was previously acquired by some other method so that, once initialized and branch set same as existing code, he can now take advantage of git .... any update to core code (a point release) can easily be acquired without having to do all that moving out and in - which is prone to human error - forgetting to move back in config.php or a theme or a mod or a block.

Different in what he did from what is offered in my little gifity script .... my script does same only shorter and it creates an 'update' or 'up' script ... used for acquiring point releases with a simple command ... not a one click ... but a one command deal.    ./up or ./update

Also created is an 'upgrade' script for when administrator decides it's time to upgrade core code ... like from 3.11.highest to 4.0.highest or 4.1.highest.   The 'upgrade' script does require editing prior to use ... and all one needs to do is change the 'git' branch numbers ... like from 311 to 400 or 401 etc.

One other script ... a bu (for backup) is a site backup script ... uses dependable tar and mysqldump - better backups that what is provide by cPanel or Plesk in that the backups are native.

Use what ever one likes! मुस्कान

Those interested in my little gitify script, just PM me. मुस्कान

'SoS', Ken