Can you change grading?

Can you change grading?

by Amanda Geary -
Number of replies: 1
I noticed today that for students with "Excused" absences, they are getting only half-credit automatically. Grading is set to "Point" and cannot be changed at this point because grades are already entered. Is is possible to set it somehow so that Excused gets full credit, or do I just need to correct it manually at the end of the semester? We are already 4 weeks in and I've logged excuses for the entire semester already (sports etc.) so I don't want to start from scratch.
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In reply to Amanda Geary

Re: Can you change grading?

by Jennifer Watson -

I do not think you can make these kinds of changes after any attendance sessions have been recorded.

To change it so that Excused gets the same credit as Present, it can be changed in the Site Attendance settings. Under the tab 'Default status set' you can customise the value of each status. When you create a new attendance activity, it will use these values.

I understand that you are already 4 weeks in but you could do the following:

1) Export all attendance data for the course so you don't lose who attended when

2) Create a replacement attendance activity (name it something slightly different to the old one so you don't muddle them up). 

3) Create all replacement sessions for your course

4) For each session you have already recorded, you can upload a CSV file to repopulate the entries:

   a) Click the button to start the register

   b) Click 'Upload attendance by CSV'

   c) Drag and drop a csv file with just two fields. I did email and status e.g.


    Apparently it will except username as an alternative to email but I didn't try that.

5) Delete the old attendance activity