Calculated weight is displaying differently for different students

Calculated weight is displaying differently for different students

gan Vidya Dumbla -
Number of replies: 0

I am new to gradebook setup and i need your help urgently to resolve below issue.

gradebook is setup with simple weighted mean of grade method where all the activities are given same weightage is each category. please see the below screenshots:

But when i see the user report, calculated weight and contribution to the course total are displaying for some users and empty for others. basically fields are not displaying consistently for any of the students. examples are as below:

Please anyone suggest the solution for this issue. I have restricted my custom certificate to display when course total is greater than 70. But as soon as student takes one activity, my custom certificate is displaying for them.

I suspect that setting up the gradebook has some issue as it is not at all returning course total. some one asked similar question previously but i do not see any resolution there.

Thanks in Advance