Single view - search users by id number

Single view - search users by id number

by Ram Kaucha -
Number of replies: 1
Single view report - at the moment I can only search the user by their first / surname, but instead I want to search them through username/ id number. I tried searching everywhere, but there is not a setting for single view report.

In reply to Ram Kaucha

Re: Single view - search users by id number

by Helen Foster -
iTaba kei {Sa} iTaba kei {Sa} iTaba kei {Sa} iTaba kei {Sa} iTaba kei {Sa} iTaba kei {Sa} iTaba kei {Sa}

Hi Ram,

If you enable username or ID number as a user identity in Site admin > Users > User policies, you'll find you can search by them. The search is only available in recent versions of Moodle though.