Moodle - Assignments in TurnItIn and Gradebook point value not matching

Moodle - Assignments in TurnItIn and Gradebook point value not matching

Christopher LaBarbera-mit -
Antal besvarelser: 0
I believe we are on the most recent version of Moodle at Colby-Sawyer College. I have an issue when creating a TurnItIn assignment - my course is graded out of 200 points and I use the natural aggregation method. When I create a new TurnItIn assignment (for their midterm essay), I want to assign it with a value of 40 points as on the syllabus, so I create it that way. It displays with 40 points as I create it and in the TurnItIn settings, yet it is populating as 100 points in the gradebook and throwing the total course points off. Any idea how to help so that this displays correctly as 40 points?

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Bilag Screenshot 2024-01-03 at 7.09.19 AM.png