Custom Reports and Access to Limited Students' Records

Custom Reports and Access to Limited Students' Records

av Raymond Barrett -
Antal svar: 1
I created a user role (coordinator) that allows me to assign a user to view the activity and course completion status of all users in a specific cohort.
I also created a custom report that shows the course completion of users and a block to display that report and the role (coordinator) has access to that block and report.
However, when the user assigned to the role (coordinator) views the custom report, they can view ALL students' course completion data rather that it being limited to only the students in the cohort that the coordinator is assigned to.
This is a privacy issue.  Does anyone know how I can limit the ability of the (coordinator) role to only view the course completion status in the custom report of those students in the cohort that the user is assigned to?
Here is a screenshot of the role permissions for the role (coordinator):
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