Millionaire on Moodle 4.1: "There are no questions"

Millionaire on Moodle 4.1: "There are no questions"

de Blair F. -
Número de respuestas: 0
Imagen de Particularly helpful Moodlers
In Moodle 4.1, when trying to use the Millionaire game with a Quiz, the user gets the message, "There are no questions."

Debugging presents the following additional information:

Notice: Undefined variable: a in /data/shares/vcc/moodle-4.1.5/mod/game/millionaire/play.php on line 394
Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /data/shares/vcc/moodle-4.1.5/mod/game/millionaire/play.php on line 394
Stack trace:
line 453 of /mod/game/millionaire/play.php: moodle_exception thrown
line 327 of /mod/game/millionaire/play.php: call to game_millionaire_selectquestion()
line 113 of /mod/game/millionaire/play.php: call to game_millionaire_shownextquestion()
line 64 of /mod/game/millionaire/play.php: call to game_millionaire_play()
line 233 of /mod/game/attempt.php: call to game_millionaire_continue()
line 201 of /mod/game/attempt.php: call to game_create()
line 40 of /mod/game/attempt.php: call to game_do_attempt()
line 84 of /mod/game/view.php: call to require_once()
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