Custom Role: Edit course settings

Custom Role: Edit course settings

av Ricardo Caiado -
Antall svar: 2
Bilde av Particularly helpful Moodlers

I'm creating a custon role that needs access to course settings.

I didn't find anything similar to "moodle/course:edit".

There is a "moodle/course:update", but it did not work.

What permissions need to be granted to access course settings?


Moodle v3.11.15+
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Som svar til Ricardo Caiado

Re: Custom Role: Edit course settings

av Helen Foster -
Bilde av Core developers Bilde av Documentation writers Bilde av Moodle HQ Bilde av Particularly helpful Moodlers Bilde av Plugin developers Bilde av Testers Bilde av Translators

Hi Ricardo,

I would expect moodle/course:update to allow a user to edit the course settings. If not, you may have discovered a bug! If you have time, you can report it in the Moodle Tracker.

You could try on the Moodle Sandbox demo site creating a custom role with moodle/course:update allowed, then gradually allow more teacher capabilities, and each time test in another browser whether a user with the custom role can edit the course settings.

Som svar til Helen Foster

Re: Custom Role: Edit course settings

av Ricardo Caiado -
Bilde av Particularly helpful Moodlers
Hi, Helen.

We have the "editing teacher" role working correctly in our installation. So, I imagine there must be another permission that needs to be granted along with "moodle/course:edit".

But I will do as you suggested.
