Custom Role: Edit course settings

Custom Role: Edit course settings

על ידי Ricardo Caiado בתאריך
מספר תגובות: 2
תמונה של Particularly helpful Moodlers

I'm creating a custon role that needs access to course settings.

I didn't find anything similar to "moodle/course:edit".

There is a "moodle/course:update", but it did not work.

What permissions need to be granted to access course settings?


Moodle v3.11.15+
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בתגובה ל: Ricardo Caiado

Re: Custom Role: Edit course settings

על ידי Helen Foster בתאריך
תמונה של Core developers תמונה של Documentation writers תמונה של Moodle HQ תמונה של Particularly helpful Moodlers תמונה של Plugin developers תמונה של Testers תמונה של Translators

Hi Ricardo,

I would expect moodle/course:update to allow a user to edit the course settings. If not, you may have discovered a bug! If you have time, you can report it in the Moodle Tracker.

You could try on the Moodle Sandbox demo site creating a custom role with moodle/course:update allowed, then gradually allow more teacher capabilities, and each time test in another browser whether a user with the custom role can edit the course settings.

בתגובה ל: Helen Foster

Re: Custom Role: Edit course settings

על ידי Ricardo Caiado בתאריך
תמונה של Particularly helpful Moodlers
Hi, Helen.

We have the "editing teacher" role working correctly in our installation. So, I imagine there must be another permission that needs to be granted along with "moodle/course:edit".

But I will do as you suggested.
