auth_saml2 logout error

auth_saml2 logout error

von Justin Vaughn -
Anzahl Antworten: 0
Hello, We are using Moodle 4.1 and the auth_saml2 plugin version 2022111700 and having some trouble with the logout.

In the plugin settings, if we change the setting "attempt IDP signout" to NO users do not get logged out. When we revisit our site in another tab, we are immediately signed-in which is not desirable. And if we change the "attempt IDP signout" setting to Yes, the user does appear to get logged out, and I can see in the IDP logs "action:logout outcome:success" so it appears to work, however there is an error:

SAML2 exception: BADREQUEST('%REASON%' => 'Invalid message received to AssertionConsumerService endpoint.')

Debug info: #0 [dirroot]/auth/saml2/sp/saml2-acs.php(34): require()

Stack trace:
  • line 36 of /auth/saml2/sp/saml2-acs.php: saml2_exception thrown

Any idea what's going on with the error message?