Manager Role can't search some courses

Manager Role can't search some courses

Rizal Masandiansyah -
kindly please advise, we had enable/allow  "Capabilities/moodle/course:view" but manager role still cant find some courses

we use moodle 3.10
回复Rizal Masandiansyah

Re: Manager Role can't search some courses

Helen Foster -
Core developers的头像 Documentation writers的头像 Moodle HQ的头像 Particularly helpful Moodlers的头像 Plugin developers的头像 Testers的头像 Translators的头像


Please check that your manager has the capability moodle/category:viewcourselist. Normally it's allowed by default for the Authenticated user role but if you've changed this, then you'll need to allow it for the manager role.