There could be a configuration error with the Moodle Chat Daemon.

There could be a configuration error with the Moodle Chat Daemon.

i le Junmar O. -
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I'm currently attempting to get the Moodle chat server daemon working on our server. Here are the steps I've taken so far:

I allowed TCP incoming and outgoing traffic on port 9111 using iptables.

From the "/mod/chat" directory, I used the following command line to start the PHP script: "php chatd.php --start &". The message "Started Moodle chatd on port 9111, listening socket Resource id #71" indicates that everything is running fine. I verified the script is running with the "lsof -i:9111" command.

In the Moodle site, under "Plugins > Activity modules > Chat," I set the chat method to "Chat server daemon." The server port is configured to use port 9111, and the Server IP is set to "localhost," with the ServerName as ""

Despite trying different combinations, including using the server IP instead of "localhost" and using the hostname, I consistently encounter the error message " took too long to respond" whenever I attempt to enter a chat activity.

I have extensively searched for solutions online without success. Please advise me on what steps I should take to make it work.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

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