RedHat and CentOS Stream, Rocky, Alma

Re: RedHat and CentOS Stream, Rocky, Alma

door Ken Task -
Aantal antwoorden: 0
Foto van Particularly helpful Moodlers
Well, things change again ...

Official EOL info From CentOS

Read but do follow the 'See Also' links

"Meanwhile, we understand many of you are deeply invested in CentOS Linux 7, and we’ll continue to produce that version through the remainder of the RHEL 7 life cycle."

CentOS Linux 7 EOL: 2024-06-30 - extended as previously it was March of this year 2023.
CentOS Linux 8 EOL: 2021-12-31
CentOS Stream 8 EOL: 2024-05-31
CentOS Stream 9 EOL: estimated 2027, dependent on RHEL9 end of “Full Support Phase”

Funny ... saw an into to an article that suggested going from CentOS to SUSIE ... uhhhh, IBM bought SUSIE some time ago and there was a concern about SUSIE's continued involvement in an 'Open Source' project - forgot the name of it, but it was for directory services and file sharing.  Uhhh, I tried on CentOS think it was 5 or 6 at the time ... no go - which was no biggy to me.

And, on a side note, decided to see for myself ... spun up a CentOS 9 Stream on Google's Compute Engine.  This AM - 80 updates available ... which uses the new appstream repo as well as base repo.  Can still use Remi's repo for PHP and MySQL's own repo for MySQL.

So far, only the issue of smtp email which I am slowly working thorugh ...

And, this is probably true of all remote hosted VM's that begin with ssh on port 22 (default port), had to switch the sshd port to higher as server was getting hammered with login as users. droevig  For a VM whose billing is based on usage, that was not good. :|

As usual ... if it's not one thing ... it's another!  and it's all 'fun can games'!
... with 'Drama' no less! :|

'SoS', Ken

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