Customcert requiredtime doesn't work

Customcert requiredtime doesn't work

Anzahl Antworten: 6

I have installed Customcert and i am tryind to stablish a required time in the course rule.

I have type 1200 into the field "requiredtime", because I want that people have to be 20 hours connected to the course before they can download de certificate.

But I have many students that have downloaded the certificate with less than 20 hours.

I don't know if I have to configure another parameter else.

Tank you for your answer.
Anhang Opciones certificado.png
Als Antwort auf JUAN HERNANDEZ

Re: Customcert requiredtime doesn't work

von Mark Nelson -
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The issue here is that it looks at logs and takes a guess at how much time was spent on the course - it's not entirely accurate unfortunately. Are you saying that they were drastically below 20 hours and got it, or were in that ball park?
Als Antwort auf Mark Nelson

Re: Customcert requiredtime doesn't work

Hi!. The student we are talking about were connected to the course around 8 hours (according to the block-dedication plugin). I think that drastically bellow.
Als Antwort auf JUAN HERNANDEZ

Re: Customcert requiredtime doesn't work

von Mark Nelson -
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I will have to look at the code in the block_dedication plugin to see how it works out the time spent on a course.
Als Antwort auf Mark Nelson

Re: Customcert requiredtime doesn't work

von Marcus Green -
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The criteria as as described on the plugin are as follows.
  • Click: every time that a user access to a page in Moodle a log entry is stored.
  • Session: set of two or more consecutive clicks in which the elapsed time between every pair of consecutive clicks does not overcome an established maximum time.
  • Session duration: elapsed time between the first and the last click of the session.
I suspect this means the accuracy will depend significantly on the structure of the material in a course and also how students approach it. You might have students who have a habit of clicking on something then staring out the window for a few minutes, or huge blocks of text  and that would potentially make the results would vary significantly.

Als Antwort auf Marcus Green

Re: Customcert requiredtime doesn't work

von Mark Nelson -
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As Marcus has stated it isn't an exact science, it basically tries to guess from the logs. Marcus was your summary for block_dedication or this plugin? Thanks.
Als Antwort auf Mark Nelson

Re: Customcert requiredtime doesn't work

Hi. Is there any solution to this issue?. Could you see how works the session_time in the block_dedication? We know that it is not an exact science but, in my opinion, if we have a difference over the 60%, is probably an error in the way we obtain the time.