Group filtering vs Teacher’s Dashboard / Timeline

Group filtering vs Teacher’s Dashboard / Timeline

ved Przemek Kaszubski -
Antal besvarelser: 0

Dear All,

I’m not sure the case I will describe is an edge one – for me it is not.

I frequently teach multiple student  groups in a single Moodle course, setting the “Separate groups” mode on activities, such as Assignments, applying group overrides where possible (since I meet my students on different days).

A major nuisance annoying me for years now is how the course group filter that is left active in a given course activity (perhaps due to oversight) can persistently and surreptitiously prevent me from seeing all my to-do tasks on the Dashboard Timeline, simply because I owe them to other groups in the course. From the perspective of a busy teacher, I would expect my “profile”-level pages, especially any TO-DO pages and blocks, to provide me with a full overview of my jobs and commitments – always.

Almost a year ago, I started this tracker issue, (“Dashboard / Timeline should exclude active course group filters for course teachers reviewing their to-do tasks”),

and would now kindly ask you to consider voting for it, or somehow  responding to it. Maybe there are some UX solutions and plans in store that can work better than my original suggestions and requests there. However, I do believe the problem is real and that it needs addressing one way or another, soon.

Many thanks.


PS. Indeed, I would expect the group filter status (and switcher) to also be shown to eligible teachers on course-level pages as well, not just inside the activities..

Gennemsnitsbedømmelse:Useful (1)