

par Oli M,
Nombre de réponses : 4


I created a learning plan path, I affected a cohort. How can I automatically enrol my student to the course associated with the competencies ?

Moyenne des évaluations: -
En réponse à Oli M

Re: Enrolment

par Emma Richardson,
Avatar Documentation writers Avatar Particularly helpful Moodlers Avatar Plugin developers

Enrol the cohort to the course...if you want to automatically have any student added to the cohort also be added to the course/s, then use the cohort enrollment method. 

Moyenne des évaluations:Useful (2)
En réponse à Emma Richardson

Re: Enrolment

par Oli M,
Thank you, Emma !
So for example, if I want to enroll a group of student at maybe 5 courses, I have to use the cohort enrollment method for every course manually ?

Best regards