av Marco Cigna -
Antall svar: 6

Hi everyone,

When using the STACK plugin, the plugin breaks giving the following error

"Exception - property_exists(): Argument #1 ($object_or_class) must be of type object|string, null given"

I believe this to be a database issue but I am unable to track down the source of it. I've setup a fresh moodle instance and tested this, and it worked fine with a clean database. However, when testing on the dev site it causes this issue.

To recreate this I added another question in the following line:

Stack Trace:

Any help is greatly appreciated, spent a long time trying to debug this.

Gjennomsnittlig vurdering: -
Som svar til Marco Cigna

Re: STACK Error

av Christopher Sangwin -
Bilde av Particularly helpful Moodlers Bilde av Plugin developers
Ok, I know the problem: you've called a PRT the same name as the input. This should not matter, and the question you emailed me works fine on the latest release (I was confident we'd fixed this), but I think that's the underlying issue.

Som svar til Christopher Sangwin

Re: STACK Error

av Marco Cigna -
Hi Chris,

Could you please elaborate what this means? "you've called a PRT the same name as the input"

Is there something that can be done on our end to fix this?

Som svar til Marco Cigna

Re: STACK Error

av Michael Roberts -
Hi Marco and Chris,

I've encountered this error message also. It occurs when you are adding any new PRT to an existing STACK question, and it's occurring in Moodle 4.0.
Som svar til Michael Roberts

Re: STACK Error

av Christopher Sangwin -
Bilde av Particularly helpful Moodlers Bilde av Plugin developers
This error was resolved with STACK 4.4.4.
Som svar til Christopher Sangwin

Re: STACK Error

av Marco Cigna -
Hi Chris,

Great news to hear! I've updated to 4.4.4 and it seems to working good so far. Out of curiosity what was the issue with it?