ved Marco Cigna -
Antal besvarelser: 6

Hi everyone,

When using the STACK plugin, the plugin breaks giving the following error

"Exception - property_exists(): Argument #1 ($object_or_class) must be of type object|string, null given"

I believe this to be a database issue but I am unable to track down the source of it. I've setup a fresh moodle instance and tested this, and it worked fine with a clean database. However, when testing on the dev site it causes this issue.

To recreate this I added another question in the following line:

Stack Trace:

Any help is greatly appreciated, spent a long time trying to debug this.

Gennemsnitsbedømmelse: -
I svar til Marco Cigna

Re: STACK Error

ved Christopher Sangwin -
Billede af Particularly helpful Moodlers Billede af Plugin developers
Ok, I know the problem: you've called a PRT the same name as the input. This should not matter, and the question you emailed me works fine on the latest release (I was confident we'd fixed this), but I think that's the underlying issue.

I svar til Christopher Sangwin

Re: STACK Error

ved Marco Cigna -
Hi Chris,

Could you please elaborate what this means? "you've called a PRT the same name as the input"

Is there something that can be done on our end to fix this?

I svar til Marco Cigna

Re: STACK Error

ved Michael Roberts -
Hi Marco and Chris,

I've encountered this error message also. It occurs when you are adding any new PRT to an existing STACK question, and it's occurring in Moodle 4.0.
I svar til Michael Roberts

Re: STACK Error

ved Christopher Sangwin -
Billede af Particularly helpful Moodlers Billede af Plugin developers
This error was resolved with STACK 4.4.4.
I svar til Christopher Sangwin

Re: STACK Error

ved Marco Cigna -
Hi Chris,

Great news to hear! I've updated to 4.4.4 and it seems to working good so far. Out of curiosity what was the issue with it?