Create subtopics OR read more toggle in HTML

Create subtopics OR read more toggle in HTML

Jenni E. -
Erantzun kopurua: 4

Hello everyone, 

I am looking for a way to structure textual elements on a (topics format) course page using "Boost" theme by means of "read more" toggles OR by creating subtopics that can be opened and closed for more overview. My goal is to split big amounts of information on a single page into hierarchical units without linking to further pages or users having to scroll down endlessly to view all the contents. Couldn't find anything related on the forum..

Does anyone know a solution to either of the two approaches? I am not at all versed in HTML/CSS/php but am hoping for some instructions to copy/paste--

Much appreciated! Thanks a lot in advance.


Puntuazioen batez bestekoa: -
Jenni E.(e)ri erantzunda

Re: Create subtopics OR read more toggle in HTML

Przemek Kaszubski -
Not sure which version of Moodle you mean. Moodle 4 should offer collapsible topics by default, to begin with. On Moodle 3.11, you might install Collapsible topics. A more configurable course format is Collapsed topics.
The above help you with collapsing single topics one-by-one.
If you're planning to sub-divide text within a topic, you might try embedding the H5P Column activity, perhaps as a Label.
However, note that H5P text content is not indexed by Moodle's Global search, and is not a very light solution.
HTH. Maybe other users can help you more.
Przemek Kaszubski(e)ri erantzunda

Re: Create subtopics OR read more toggle in HTML

Jenni E. -
Hi Przemek,
thank a lot! Sorry for the missing info, I am talking about Moodle 4. And yes, Topics are collapsable. But I am looking for a way to create a subtopic inside a topic which is again collapsable. Will look into the H5p Column activity....!
Thanks again. Many regards, Jenni
Jenni E.(e)ri erantzunda

Re: Create subtopics OR read more toggle in HTML

Brad Nielsen -

I have been asking for Sections with Sections for years. As a high school teacher who has a lot of content, it just makes sense. This is a fundamental reason why Moodle has lost all popularity amongst high schools.

The best solution I have found so far is the Multitopic format. You can have tabs, and sub tabs with collapsible topics within. But its still a little clunky. Moving the tabs around is not easy. 

In terms of future Moodle UX design, a better way of doing this would be have Class or Subject interface that allows Courses to be grouped within and yet allows the Teacher to communicate to their students who are completing the courses.

Canvas actually uses Courses to collect what it calls Units (in Moodle terms, a Unit is a simple Course). It's for this reason that Canvas is taking alot of the high school market share.

My school is actually using Microsoft Teams as the Classroom interface, with Moodle courses being embedded within.  Moodle just doesnt provide an effective Classroom interface.

Brad Nielsen(e)ri erantzunda

Re: Create subtopics OR read more toggle in HTML

Jenni E. -
Thank you, Brad. That's really great advice, can think of many useful applications for this format. In my specific case, this still doesn't fit since the tabs only really work for a small number of topics, I think. They get too confusing when there's too many of them. But the HP5 columns as suggested above kind of work for me. Indeed room for improvement on Moodle's side.