HTTP Security - allowframembedding randomly resets to no

HTTP Security - allowframembedding randomly resets to no

por Stephen Lambert -
Número de respuestas: 1

Hi, I wasn't sure to post this and searching the forums today the only posts related to the allowframembedding setting seems to be related to Moodle mobile or the LTI activity. 

I have my Moodle site embedded as a frame using the Joomdle plugin. It has been working well for about 5 years. 

Just recently the allowframembedding has started to reset, seemingly randomly, to the default no.

Not sure where to begin to investigate why this would be happening. There have been no recent changes to my server, the software or any of the plugins I use. 

Has anyone else experienced this?

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En respuesta a Stephen Lambert

Re: HTTP Security - allowframembedding randomly resets to no

por Stephen Lambert -

Looks like I've managed to stop the resetting by setting it in the config.php by adding $CFG->allowframembedding = 1;

Still not sure why its happening but at least its usable again.