How do I delete an announcement forum and add a standard forum for general use?

How do I delete an announcement forum and add a standard forum for general use?

Scott See -
Moodle 4.0.5 (Build: 20221114)

For one course there are two announcement forums.  How do I remove the second announcement forum and then add a standard forum for general use?  I've searched all over and can't find anything on this.  

Thank you,
回复Scott See

Re: How do I delete an announcement forum and add a standard forum for general use?

Scott See -
Okay, I think I figured it out.
This Course > Sections > General
Here I found that the forums were added as activities. I was able to delete one and add another. I had no idea it was embedded in one of the sections. I was poking around in settings endlessly, and that wasn't getting me anywhere.