Description - above or below the activity?

Description - above or below the activity?

Roger Emery -
Atsakymų skaičius: 0
I posted this in the accessibility and usability, but was told this is the place for this question:-

As we build up our Moodle 4 environment at Solent, we are debating the course format layout, particularly the fact that the description appears after and below the activity icon/link. 
As second discussion (already being discussed here) is whether the title and icon should be the tool? Why does the tool matter? Surely the task is what matters (eg have a debate about x,y,z) rather than "here's a forum tool".

The challenge in Moodle 4 (and older versions) is the call to action link is also the title of the activity and the icon.

I have been in touch with Martin D who doesn't recall any decision or discussion about this in the past, it just seemed logical at the time (20 years ago?). I think it is now much more obvious issue with the boxed in activities and icons. Could this be a setting somewhere to allow institutions decide?

What would seem more logical is to have the order as below (explain the task, then do the task)
  • Icon / Title / Mark as Done
  • Restrictions
  • Description of task
  • Call to Action - link to activity

What are your thoughts?
Įvertinimų vidurkis:Useful (1)