Lessons open questions are useless since students never get the emails

Lessons open questions are useless since students never get the emails

av Ileana Bladé Mendoza -
Antal svar: 2
In addition to my students not being able to review the lessons, they also never get the chance to see my feedback. They have the "receive emails from lessons" adjustment set to "on" and my administrators say they also have made the necessary changes for emails to be sent out but no emails arrive despite multiple "sends".

I spent hours grading those open questions from the lessons. So frustrating.

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Re: Lessons open questions are useless since students never get the emails

av Ileana Bladé Mendoza -
It has been confirmed to me that this problem is for now unsolvable:

The sending of emails from the Lesson activity is the subject of an open Moodle Tracker here https://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDL-71453 The process is inconsistent.

Unfortunately we are dependant on Moodle to investigate and correct the issue.

But I can´t resign myself to having wasted hours and hours answering open questions. Is there any way the students could have access to their lessons? I have considered giving them temporary access as teacher non editors but I have too much material I don´t want them to see quite yet (I may do at the end of the course when all solutions have been displayed).

Is there a better way?



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Re: Lessons open questions are useless since students never get the emails

av Ileana Bladé Mendoza -
How about downloading the "Reports" and sending them to the students so they can see my responses ?
