French and German Characters

Re: French and German Characters

by William Purcell -
Number of replies: 0
Hi Michael,

I don't have all of the particulars here--I will need to get them from our computer department. I know it is running Apache2 (but what ver.?),  PostgreSQL (ver??), and I BELIEVE it is a Unix system.

I contacted the computer department, and they basically made the same suggestions you did earlier; viz. migrate to UTF8 or upgrade to Moodle 1.6, since that seems already to be unicoded. They also gave me the same warnings about the havoc migrating will cause.

Before attempting to migrate I am going to make an experimental installation of Moodle and then try migrating that one, just to see what will happen and how to counter any problems.

This is going to take time--and we've just started our new school year--not the best time to have this sort of problem.

thanks for your input. I will look into the rest of it (including changing the debugging settings.)


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