URL of files

URL of files

av D Ox -
Antal svar: 0


Looking for a solution to a simple problem which may not be possible. 

Looking to have an image & when someone clicks the image, it downloads a file. Simple code like this:

<a href="file.pdf"><img src="http://home/pluginfile.php/194/mod_label/intro/image.png?time=1660900644470" ></a>

I can do this no problem when I click on the image & select a file. However, because I'm trying to do a few thousand of these, I don't want to click on the file every time & select a file. I would like to just copy the HTML code & paste it into the editor with the URL already there. However, the url has the "pluginfile.php" & other info there where I can't predict or know what the url will be to the file before I manually link to it. Is there a way to know what the URL will be & not have to manually link to a file?


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