Problem to see video in forum

Problem to see video in forum

de Susana Willemoës -
Número de respuestas: 3

Hi! We are using Moodle 3.11.6 and we have a problems to see some videos added as a link (using the link icon of the rditor), they look like this:

The code is this:

<video controls="" data-setup-lazy="{&quot;techOrder&quot;: [&quot;youtube&quot;], &quot;sources&quot;: [{&quot;type&quot;: &quot;video/youtube&quot;, &quot;src&quot;:&quot;;}], &quot;language&quot;: &quot;es&quot;, &quot;fluid&quot;: true}" id="id_videojs_6256acd662a5f_10" class="video-js" title="watch"><a href="" class="_blanktarget"></a></video>

Can you help me to understand why some times it loads videos with divs (that we can see ok) and some times with "video", and how can I solve this?

Thank you!!

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En respuesta a Susana Willemoës

Re: Problem to see video in forum

de Susana Willemoës -
I think I know why the code is different: one is Youtube mediaplayer (with div) and the other is VideoJS (with video). If I disable VideoJS I can see them, but why, in the same forum, are loaded with different mediaplayers? Is the way they add the link?
En respuesta a Susana Willemoës

Re: Problem to see video in forum

de Susana Willemoës -
FYI, I've solved this just changing the order of the mediaplayers, sending Youtube mediaplayer before VideoJS