No handler found for Membership

No handler found for Membership

kuraCloud kuraClouddən -
Number of replies: 0

I'm having an issue with LTI for a single customer. When attempting to sync student accounts with our tool they get: 
`BadRequestError: Unable to query https://[moodle instance]/mod/lti/services.php/CourseSection/269/bindings/1/memberships 400 No handler found for application/vnd.ims.lti-nrps.v2.membershipcontainer+json { "status": 400, "reason": "No handler found for application/vnd.ims.lti-nrps.v2.membershipcontainer+json ", "request": { "method": "GET", "url": "/mod/lti/services.php/CourseSection/269/bindings/1/memberships", "accept": "application/vnd.ims.lti-nrps.v2.membershipcontainer+json", "contentType": "" } }`

Our tool works for other customers, and this customer appears to have set things up correctly (they are in Portuguese so it can be a little hard to tell). They are using version 3.11.5 so they should be able to use LTI 1.3.

Have they disabled the membership service somehow?

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