Enrolment page URL is not given to course creators

Enrolment page URL is not given to course creators

- Vincent Laberge の投稿
返信数: 1


This is my first post on this forum, but I am a long-time contributor to University of Montreal Moodle Branch (StudiUM) as a pedagogical counselor. These days, I help faculty and staff to update their courses on a couple of small-scale projects.

ContextFor a couple of open projects now, I've had to give teachers the enrolment URL to their courses since the Moodle interface did not provide it for them. Since I know how these URLs work, I can create them from memory:  https:// <domain> /enrol/index.php?id=<courseID>

UX Problem: Novice users have no idea how to get this enrolment URL. Since they are usually already enrolled into their own course, as creators, they cannot find the enrolment URL in the general course list or by searching the course list, because they end up in the course landing page by default.

Suggestion: It would be a great shortcut to publish the enrolment URL in the enrolment methods page when manual enrolments are activated. Maybe with a title like "Subscription link" or something like "Share this URL to let learners subscribe to your course". There may be other better ways to provide this enrolment URL to regular teachers, my suggestion only aims to provide the community with the knowledge that this may be an issue for lower-level users.

Thank you for your consideration.