Moodle as SAML IdentityProvider (SimpleSamlPhp) for other apps (RocketChat))

Moodle as SAML IdentityProvider (SimpleSamlPhp) for other apps (RocketChat))

von Andriy Semenets -
Anzahl Antworten: 2

Hello all. 

I am trying to using Moodleas a SAML IdentityProvider for other apps (first of all - our RocketChat )
There is a plugin I installed 
But provided documentation on configuration process is too short for me and it refers to .

So what do I have now:
One physical server with 3 docker containers running:
1. Moodle with installed SAML IDP plugin. Moodle working under MOODLEDOMAIN. (https) . Site is OK  
2. RocketChat. Working under RCDOMAIN. (https) . Site is OK   
3. SimpleSamlPHP. Working under SAMLDOMAIN. (https) . 

The first question: is configuration when Moodle and SimpleSamlPHP are on different docker containers and assigned different domains are correct ? 

Because it is not working for me now.
SimpleSamlPhp diagnostic page show me that basic conf is OK:

But I even cannot pass test of authentication sources for Moodle  I have created. 
It redirects me to Moodle, I can login but I remains on Moodle site (does not returned to simplesaml). 
When I trying to visit authentication source AGAIN

I every time got the following error:

I cannot find nothing useful not in SimpleSaml logs not in Moodle logs as well. 
I will be very thankful about your hints. 

Als Antwort auf Andriy Semenets

Re: Moodle as SAML IdentityProvider (SimpleSamlPhp) for other apps (RocketChat))

von Andriy Semenets -
Issue resolved by moving simplesaml to folder under MOODLEDOMAIN. Look like there are no another way is possible
Als Antwort auf Andriy Semenets

Re: Moodle as SAML IdentityProvider (SimpleSamlPhp) for other apps (RocketChat))

von Greg B -
Hi Andriy,

I'm having the exact same error message as you, and cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong..
- the example-userpass works perfectly with my SP.
- but the moodle-userpass generates the same error (no missing plugins), when trying to access the SP.
I can see the MySQL database being populated, so know that's not the issue..
So, it has to be(?) something to do with my Apache setup....

Sorry to ask, but the following is "basically", what I'd assume to be the key bits of info..  for my single web site.

Would you have a moment to compare your settings against these, or see if you can spot anything you'd think I should change (or maybe add?)?
- left is my folder structure (Windows with Apache)
- Right
  = httpd.conf, then 
  = authsources.config
  = then the Moodle settings for the plugin