Students not getting marks in some quizzes and they is showing 'in progress ' instead of 'finished'.

Students not getting marks in some quizzes and they is showing 'in progress ' instead of 'finished'.

Liczba odpowiedzi: 1

Hello! I wish someone could help me!. 

We use Moodle 3.10.4 (Build: 20210510). The issue i am facing is that some students not getting marks in some quizzes and they is showing 'in progress ' instead of 'finished', even the time is overdue.

I thought the problem is the cron task (\\mod_quiz\\task\\update_overdue_attempts), so I tried to run it manually.

However, when I ran the task, I got this error.

Execute scheduled task: Updating overdue quiz attempts (mod_quiz\task\update_overdue_attempts)

... started 09:11:37. Current memory use 19.6MB.

  Looking for quiz overdue quiz attempts...

Database transaction aborted automatically in mod_quiz\task\update_overdue_attempts

... used 17 dbqueries

... used 0.21920394897461 seconds

Scheduled task failed: Updating overdue quiz attempts (mod_quiz\task\update_overdue_attempts),Xml parse error (Invalid character) line #1


* line 98 of /question/type/wq/question.php: call to com_wiris_quizzes_wrap_QuizzesBuilderWrap->readQuestionInstance()

* line 43 of /question/type/shortanswerwiris/question.php: call to qtype_wq_question->apply_attempt_state()

* line 1657 of /question/engine/questionattempt.php: call to qtype_shortanswerwiris_question->apply_attempt_state()

* line 1394 of /question/engine/questionattempt.php: call to question_attempt->ensure_question_initialised()

* line 859 of /question/engine/questionusage.php: call to question_attempt->finish()

* line 2184 of /mod/quiz/attemptlib.php: call to question_usage_by_activity->finish_all_questions()

* line 2005 of /mod/quiz/attemptlib.php: call to quiz_attempt->process_finish()

* line 79 of /mod/quiz/cronlib.php: call to quiz_attempt->handle_if_time_expired()

* line 61 of /mod/quiz/classes/task/update_overdue_attempts.php: call to mod_quiz_overdue_attempt_updater->update_overdue_attempts()

* line 253 of /lib/cronlib.php: call to mod_quiz\task\update_overdue_attempts->execute()

* line 167 of /admin/cli/scheduled_task.php: call to cron_run_inner_scheduled_task()

I've been researching about the problem but can't find a solution.

I hope you can help me, Thank you.

Załącznik ($a)