SSL Issue - Moodle Standalone (Bitnami)

SSL Issue - Moodle Standalone (Bitnami)

David Klasens -
Number of replies: 2

Hi Everyone,

I'm developing a Moodle based LMS for deployment into offline facilities. As this needs to be easy for remote hands to deploy and configure it is currently running off a WinServer 2022 instance using Bitnami standalone. This stack uses Apache and MariaDB.

Which is great! This makes it really easy to package and roll out. However we also need a production version available online and for that I'm setting up SSL on a Windows instance for the first time.

I cannot for the life of me get it to work. I've tried Lets Encrypt and Certbot and am currently trying to get a ZeroSSL certificate to work.

Given that this is a standalone Bitnami / Apache package, I'm assuming I just need to place the files in their relevant spots (server\apache\conf\...) and update httpd-ssl.conf. The latter virtual host settings are as follows:

<VirtualHost _default_:443>
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/server/moodle"
ServerName sitename:443
ServerAdmin myemail
ErrorLog "C:/xampp/server/apache/logs/error.log"
TransferLog "C:/xampp/server/apache/logs/access.log"
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile "conf/ssl.crt/certificate.crt"
SSLCertificateKeyFile "conf/ssl.key/private.key"
SSLCertificateChainFile "conf/ssl.crt/ca_bundle.crt"

I've altered the necessary WinServer settings to allow port 443 and from what I've read, this should now serve HTTPS.

Am I missing something here? Perhaps a domain setting or record that needs to be updated? At this point I am very confused.

Your time and assistance is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Վարկանիշների միջին թիվը. -
In reply to David Klasens

Re: SSL Issue - Moodle Standalone (Bitnami)

Ken Task -
Particularly helpful Moodlers Նկարը

Don't think am wrong when I say ... when it comes to Bitnami stack on Windows, is best to use Bitnami info/site:

Info shows a lot of linux ... sudo ... blah, blah. so if not good at transposing linux to Windows, might look at:

Might have to set filter at above site to see specific links.

Good luck!

'SoS', Ken

In reply to David Klasens

Re: SSL Issue - Moodle Standalone (Bitnami)

Dan Marsden -
Core developers Նկարը Particularly helpful Moodlers Նկարը Peer reviewers Նկարը Plugin developers Նկարը Plugins guardians Նկարը Testers Նկարը Translators Նկարը
the key part of your first paragraph "offline facilities" will make this very difficult (maybe impossible depending on your setup) to use letsencrypt or zerossl which require Internet access (a valid DNS/external URL domain)  to validate and install the cert.

what you probably want to do is a google search on "SSL for an Intranet site" - that should throw up various options - combine the search with "apache" and "windows" and it might become more specific.