Multiple things broken in first moodle install

Multiple things broken in first moodle install

i le Shivam K -
Number of replies: 1


1. I cannot edit course announcements as admin, though editing UI is opening, but something seems broken.announcements image icon not loading

I tried clicking on the pen, but I just cannot edit the name.

2. Some images aren't loaded like above.

3. While browsing site administration, when I try clicking some other tabs, nothing happens to the page. Let's say I clicked "Courses" tab, browser URL updates to search.php#linkcourses, but everything else stays same.

Nothing happens on clicking users except browser URL updates

Installation Details

I'm running moodle on a Raspberry Pi 4, on nixos with nginx and postgresql.

The default moodle.nix available on nixos uses apache, so I wrote a custom one for nginx:

I'm using moodle version 3.11 (Build: 20210517)

I'm using  php with following config (also defined in custom moodle.nix shared above)

phpExt = pkgs.php74.withExtensions ({ enabled, all }: with all; [ ctype curl dom fileinfo filter gd iconv intl json mbstring mysqli openssl pdo pdo_mysql pdo_odbc pdo_pgsql pdo_sqlite pgsql session simplexml soap sqlite3 tokenizer xmlreader xmlrpc zip zlib ]);

I'm using nginx 1.20.1, and postgres 11.13

I think I could be having some php issues, but I cannot find any logs containing php errors to debug.

Also the browser console shows the following errors

Chrome console errors

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