Calendar showing all kind of appointments site-wide

Calendar showing all kind of appointments site-wide

Beatriz Rojo發表於
Number of replies: 1


I have used the Calendar scarcely and only as a nice-to-have feature. But in my current scenario, I'd like all users enrolled in a course to see the slots created with the plugin Scheduler within that course - or site-wide. I've asked in the Scheduler forum but got no answer so far.

The background is that our training is based on several modules which include a live session, which is offered once a month. Students have relative freedom to choose when and in which order to attend the sessions and they'd like to have a two-month overview of the scheduled sessions.

Or is there a plugin to achieve that?

I'm using Moodle 3.9.9.


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In reply to Beatriz Rojo

Re: Calendar showing all kind of appointments site-wide

Joost Elshoff發表於
Particularly helpful Moodlers的相片 Testers的相片
Hola Beatriz,
We have a few implementations using Attendance, Scheduler and/or Organizer much in the same way as you describe. This should work out of the box, as far as I know. The Organizer plugin ( also has a service to show events in a user's calendar.