moodle 3.8.9 ошибки. php check_database_schema.php

moodle 3.8.9 ошибки. php check_database_schema.php

от Николай Алексеев -
Количество ответов: 2

Добрый день. При запуске скрипта возникли предупреждения.

Подскажите, как их убрать? Какие команды mysql запустить для устранения ошибок. Можно ли обновлять систему в таком состоянии?

Спасибо заранее. Жду от Вас ответа.


php check_database_schema.php
 * column 'delay3' has default '2', expected '0' (I)
 * column 'grademethod' has default '0', expected '1' (I)
 * column 'usefilters' length is 2, expected at least 4 (I)
 * column 'useglossary' length is 2, expected at least 4 (I)
 * column 'link' has incorrect type 'X', expected 'C'
 * column 'user_id' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'usermodified' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timecreated' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timemodified' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timedeleted' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'sent_at' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'to_send_at' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'usermodified' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timecreated' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timemodified' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timedeleted' should allow NULL (I)
 * column 'timedeleted' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'sent_at' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'usermodified' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timecreated' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timemodified' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timecreated' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timemodified' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'sent_at' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'usermodified' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timecreated' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timemodified' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'usermodified' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timecreated' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timemodified' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'firstname' length is 125, expected 100 (C)
 * column 'lastname' length is 125, expected 100 (C)
 * column 'usermodified' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timecreated' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timemodified' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timedeleted' should allow NULL (I)
 * column 'timedeleted' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'subject' should be NOT NULL (X)
 * column 'body' should be NOT NULL (X)
 * column 'usermodified' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timecreated' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timemodified' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timedeleted' should allow NULL (I)
 * column 'timedeleted' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'usermodified' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timecreated' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timemodified' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timedeleted' should allow NULL (I)
 * column 'timedeleted' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'amount' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'usermodified' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timecreated' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timemodified' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timedeleted' should allow NULL (I)
 * column 'timedeleted' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'object_id' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'schedule_id' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'usermodified' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timecreated' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timemodified' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * column 'timedeleted' should allow NULL (I)
 * column 'timedeleted' has default '0', expected 'NULL' (I)
 * table is not expected
 * table is not expected
 * table is not expected

В ответ на Николай Алексеев

Re: moodle 3.8.9 ошибки. php check_database_schema.php

от Evgeniy Schuetz -
Ругань на три дополнительных плагина и в конце непонятная таблица recordingsbn от BigBlueButton
Обновить систему не помешает, но, по-хорошему снести эти доп. модули, обновить moodle и, если нужны, поставить плагины обратно в версиях, соответствующих установленной версии мудла. Потому что ругань, например, на quickmail явно не соответствует текущей версии этого плагина. Скорее всего криво обновлялись раньше, вот так и вышло: