Tasks max fail delay (system status error): asynchronous_backup_task

Tasks max fail delay (system status error): asynchronous_backup_task

by erotavlas erotavlas -
Number of replies: 1


I have latest moodle 3.11+ (php 7.4.3 and apache 2.4.41) and I get the error reported.

Under Site administration->Server->Scheduled tasks, I cannot find asynchronous_backup_task.

Cron job /path/to/moodle/admin/cli/ works without any output error.

Any idea?

Thank you

రేటింగుల సగటు: -
In reply to erotavlas erotavlas

Re: Tasks max fail delay (system status error): asynchronous_backup_task

by erotavlas erotavlas -
The problem is still present with moodle 3.11.2+

PHP Notice:  Constant CONTEXT_CACHE_MAX_SIZE already defined in path/config.php on line 42
Server Time: Thu, 02 Sep 2021 07:53:42 +0200

Ran 0 adhoc tasks found at Thu, 02 Sep 2021 07:53:42 +0200
Cron script completed correctly
Cron completed at 07:53:42. Memory used 19.6MB.
Execution took 0.069739 seconds