PortForwarding and webpage error

PortForwarding and webpage error

aye aung -
Vastausten määrä: 6


I am using Moodle 3.11. we installed website in internal VM server. I did not use DNS due to lack of time. We setup to call website from public IP to private IP using port forwarding.

When called with public ip, change private ip of internal server in URL but don't show webpage.

Allow port 80 in port forwarding and firewall in VM.

This is my first time to setup webserver.

Please help me.

Arviointien keskiarvo: -
Vastaus aye aung

Re: PortForwarding and webpage error

Visvanath Ratnaweera -
Kuva: Particularly helpful Moodlers Kuva: Translators

P.S. This is a question about using Moodle, not about development. May be for Installing an upgrading or General help.
Vastaus Visvanath Ratnaweera

Re: PortForwarding and webpage error

aye aung -
Thank you for your information. But I can't solve my issue.
Vastaus aye aung

Re: PortForwarding and webpage error

Howard Miller -
Kuva: Core developers Kuva: Documentation writers Kuva: Particularly helpful Moodlers Kuva: Peer reviewers Kuva: Plugin developers
Moving to installation forum.

You can only have one $CFG->www value in config.php. You have two - internal and external. It simply won't work.

" I did not use DNS due to lack of time"

You are answering your own question.
Arviointien keskiarvo:Useful (1)
Vastaus Howard Miller

Re: PortForwarding and webpage error

aye aung -
Can't work using port forwarding?
I must use DNS. Is there no other way?
Vastaus aye aung

Re: PortForwarding and webpage error

Leon Stringer -
Kuva: Core developers Kuva: Particularly helpful Moodlers

Moodle can work using port forwarding, you may need $CFG->reverseproxy = true in config.php for this.

But a Moodle site must have a single URL specified as part of its configuration, in $CFG->wwwroot. This must be the URL used to access the site. If you want to use an IP address then all users must access the site using one IP address.

DNS allows the use of both public and private IP addresses by use of Internet-hosted DNS servers providing the public IP address and an internal DNS server providing the private IP address.

DNS was invented so humans don't have to remember IP addresses. Using an IP address prevents your site from using HTTPS.

Arviointien keskiarvo:Useful (1)
Vastaus Howard Miller

Re: PortForwarding and webpage error

aye aung -
Thank you very much for your direction.
I did DNS as you say.
Now, my problem has solved. hymy