Download list of all students in a course

Ri: Re: Download list of all students in a course

autor Gabri Z -
Počet odpovědí: 7
Thank tou, Rick. I can definitely create a password protected PHP page with some MySQL query to download this data, thank you.
V odpovědi na Gabri Z

Re: Ri: Re: Download list of all students in a course

autor Rick Jerz -
Obrázek: Particularly helpful Moodlers Obrázek: Testers
There are some plugins that are directed toward SQL query management. I like "Configurable Reports." With it, I can display a block of queries that only I can see. (No need to write password-protected PHP pages.)
V odpovědi na Rick Jerz

Ri: Re: Ri: Re: Download list of all students in a course

autor Gabri Z -
I'll check these out, thank you!
V odpovědi na Gabri Z

Re: Ri: Re: Ri: Re: Download list of all students in a course

autor Mark Fellowes -
Hi Gabi...
It sounds I'm in need of the same as yourself. extra data being what course they are in and the trainers / groups name. Have you had any luck.?
It is weird that if you upload a file, you can put in the additional fields like course1, Group1 etc.. but the download doesn't contain these.
V odpovědi na Mark Fellowes

Ri: Re: Ri: Re: Ri: Re: Download list of all students in a course

autor Gabri Z -
Hi, I did not started tho tackle this yet, sorry.
I want to finish all the setup and graphic adjustments for today. Than I'll do a backup.
Anyway, plugin suggested by Rick seems quite handy.
V odpovědi na Gabri Z

Re: Ri: Re: Ri: Re: Ri: Re: Download list of all students in a course

autor Rick Jerz -
Obrázek: Particularly helpful Moodlers Obrázek: Testers
By the way, the Configurable Reports plugin helps you "manage" SQL queries. Someone still needs to "create" the queries.

I find Moodle's built reporting and the ability to download data quite good, perhaps extensive when you compare it to other popular LMSs, like Canvas and Blackboard. And the ability to access the data with custom SQL gives me far more power than with either Canvas or Blackboard. My school uses Canvas, which is extremely weak at reporting data (can't even sort a list of participants by first name, last access, etc.)
V odpovědi na Gabri Z

Re: Ri: Re: Ri: Re: Ri: Re: Download list of all students in a course

autor Mark Fellowes -
I received this query which does exactly what I need and may also help you.. just remove the hardcoded userid to get a list of all the students in each of the groups..

SELECT DISTINCT, usr.username,, usr.firstname, usr.lastname, as idnumber, c.shortname as course1, as group1
FROM course_course AS c
INNER JOIN course_context AS cx ON = cx.instanceid
AND cx.contextlevel = '50'
INNER JOIN course_role_assignments AS ra ON = ra.contextid
INNER JOIN course_role AS r ON ra.roleid =
INNER JOIN course_user AS usr ON ra.userid =
INNER JOIN course_groups AS groups ON = groups.courseid
INNER JOIN course_groups_members AS members ON = members.groupid
WHERE members.userid =
and = 8912
ORDER BY `c`.`id` ASC