Custom Role to Override Assignment Grades

Custom Role to Override Assignment Grades

von T K -
Anzahl Antworten: 2

Hi All, I am currently working on Moodle 3.5

I need to create a custom role for a non-editing teacher, who can view all assignment submissions, view gradebooks, and override the grades in the gradebook. This role CANNOT edit course, edit gradebook settings, or any of the assignment settings. This role should be enrolled by the course, same like teachers.


Currently I tested with Non editing teacher, the problem is they don't have the access to override the grades at all.

So far the Manager role has the permission to override grades, but they can also edit many important settings, which is not required. The also have 

I can't seem to find out which particular permission actually works to turn on the grade overriding. Can someone please help?

Als Antwort auf T K

Re: Custom Role to Override Assignment Grades

von Mouhammad Alaa Aldeen Salih -
Hi Karishma Tiwari,

Try import the attached role file, its "non-editing teacher" but can edit the grades
Als Antwort auf Mouhammad Alaa Aldeen Salih

Re: Custom Role to Override Assignment Grades

von T K -
Thanks for your reply.
I tried the attached role but it doesnt work as I wanted. I need this role to be able to override grades, not just do regular grading. See in this table, there is no 'pencil' icon to allow me to edit the grades in the gradebook.