Can the student continue where he left off in the lesson activity

Can the student continue where he left off in the lesson activity

autor Halim Asa -
Počet odpovedí: 2

Hello, I saw a question on this link.

 In the lessons activity, how do we ensure that the student continues where he left off.  The person with the problem continues from where he left off in the student lectures activity.  However, he wrote that this feature does not exist in the books activity.  Another friend said that using the bookmarks block is a good uol.  I use the lessons activity.  However, I could not see a section on how students can continue where they left off.

 For example, I have a 50-minute compulsory lesson, when the student enters the lesson, the countdown tool starts.  When he works for 10 minutes and then wants to see it again a day or two later, he has to start over.  It starts from the beginning both as a page and as a counter.  I'm watching completion is open.  If the user completes 30 percent of the course, he continues from where he left off when he logs out and re-enters.  But the page goes back to the top again, the counter goes back to the top again.  Is there a way to do this? If he continues from the page he left off, can he continue from where he left off in the counter?

Priemer hodnotení : -
V odpovedi na Halim Asa

Re: Can the student continue where he left off in the lesson activity

autor Helen Foster -
Obrázok: Core developers Obrázok: Documentation writers Obrázok: Moodle HQ Obrázok: Particularly helpful Moodlers Obrázok: Plugin developers Obrázok: Testers Obrázok: Translators

Hi Halim,

As far as I know, it's not currently possible to enable a student to continue where he left off in a lesson activity. It is possible though in a SCORM activity.

V odpovedi na Helen Foster

Re: Can the student continue where he left off in the lesson activity

autor Halim Asa -
Hi all, @Helen, I actually found a feature that allows users to pick up where they left off. For this, I use the questions, and the trainees who answered the questions I added between the sections in the lesson activity continue with the last question they solved when they exit.

This was good news ... Úsmev
The bad news (for me) is that I haven't solved the meter problem yet.
I want one class to be compulsory 60 minutes. I measure whether they understand the subject or not with the answers they receive from the questions in between. When the person leaves the class in the 30th minute in the 10th episode. When he returns, he continues with the last question he solved. the counter shows 60 again.