Increase the number of appointment

Increase the number of appointment

Jack Few གིས-
Number of replies: 6


Is it possible to increase the maximum number of appointments, beyond 10, that students can book? After 10, we have infinite.  I meant I would like students to book 20 appointments for example. 

Thanks a lot,


དཔྱ་སྙོམས་ཀྱི་སྐུགས་ཚུ།: -
In reply to Jack Few

Re: Increase the number of appointment

Henning Bostelmann གིས-
Core developers གི་པར Plugin developers གི་པར
Not so directly - you would need to modify the code (I can tell you where, but I'm not sure whether you want to do that).
In reply to Henning Bostelmann

Re: Increase the number of appointment

Jack Few གིས-
Yes please, I would like to do that.
In reply to Jack Few

Re: Increase the number of appointment

Henning Bostelmann གིས-
Core developers གི་པར Plugin developers གི་པར
Thinking about it: I might have misunderstood you. Are you referring to the field "Maximum number of students per slot" when editing a slot? This was actually once a selection box, but quite a while ago (from Scheduler 2.9 on, I think) it has changed into a text input field, where you are not limited to a maximum of 10. In Scheduler 2.7 (and that's really very old), there was a global configuration setting that allowed you to change the limit from 10 to any other value. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding what field you meant? Or are you really using a very old version of Scheduler, and if so, which?
In reply to Henning Bostelmann

Re: Increase the number of appointment

Jack Few གིས-

The max number of slot (Mode) a student can select is 10. I have attached below the screenshot showing the max value in the dropdown box. I did not explain that clearly and I apologize for that. 

Thanks a lot!

Attachment Screen Shot 2021-08-15 at 4.48.26 PM.png
In reply to Jack Few

Re: Increase the number of appointment

Henning Bostelmann གིས-
Core developers གི་པར Plugin developers གི་པར
I'm sorry, i misunderstood which setting you were referring to.

in order to increase the limit, see "mod/scheduler/mod_form.php" near line 77, where you can increase the upper limit of 10 for the loop counter.