Integration round 2021-02-19 - Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much

Integration round 2021-02-19 - Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much

por Víctor Déniz Falcón -
Número de respostas: 0
Foto de Core developers Foto de Moodle HQ Foto de Peer reviewers Foto de Plugin developers Foto de Plugins guardians Foto de Testers

Cold numbers:

16 issues have been successfully integrated with 1 rejected and 25 delayed. That’s 94.12% success.


Hot topics:

  • MDL-69562 getremoteconfaddr cannot be set to HTTP_CLIENT_IP, HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR, REMOTE_ADDR
  • MDL-70536my_reset_page_for_all_users should be a cli script
  • MDL-47410 Add behat support for selecting a date from one of our date elements
  • MDL-64554 Add module for displaying moodleform in a modal window
  • And lots more in areas like H5P, administration, groups, content bank, ...

Warm thanks

A big thank you to all the active members of the Moodle Dev Chat, always willing to help in a selfless way, both those who share their difficulties and those who help to overcome them.