"site can't be reached"

Re: "site can't be reached"

de Ken Task -
Número de respuestas: 0
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Follow up ... in your previous postings see the move was from MoodleCloud to local and you had issues with that.   True.  MoodleCloud (MC) is based upon open sourced (free version) of Moodle code but with additional core coding which you didn't get with the backups you had to make the move.   You get a database dump of your site and moodledata, but not the MoodleCloud code.

So question related to the issue you are now pursuing about one teacher ... have never hosted with MoodleCloud so this is a guess ... , but could the teacher having issues have a role that was something like a MoodleCloud 'manager' or other MC customized role?  (no longer the roles one would have in a 'stock' Moodle?

'SoS', Ken