Additional column(s) in quiz report

Additional column(s) in quiz report

von Tomek X -
Anzahl Antworten: 6

Hi !

In quiz report i have 4 columns (Name, start date, time, grade)...

In wchich way i can add an additional column with e-mail adress of the students. (very imprtant for me)

If it isn't a big problem i would like also to have a column with student's adress (or another fields from "user profile")

...and then You export all of it to xls format, and You have a full detailed list...Wonderfully !

I have read all forum and i can't find the answer... :/

Thx for help!

Als Antwort auf Tomek X

Re: Additional column(s) in quiz report

von Tomek X -

I've found this thread today (Custom fields for Quiz Report) !

There is an additional field (user id) in quiz report.

Can You help me change this userid field to user email field.

Thanks for help !

Als Antwort auf Tomek X

Re: Additional column(s) in quiz report

von Tomek X -
hmmmm can You help me ?
Als Antwort auf Tomek X

Re: Additional column(s) in quiz report

von Alison Wright -

Hi Tomek

Have included the Email column in the on-screen and excel sections for you.  My report also outputs ID Number - which a fellow moodler included for me some time ago.  So I was able to copy the format they'd used lächelnd

Hope this is what you were looking for.

This report goes in the mod/quiz/report/overview folder - make a backup of your old one first.

All the best


Als Antwort auf Alison Wright

Re: Additional column(s) in quiz report

von Tomek X -

First of all... thank you for your help.

... but unfortunately i can't see any changes in quiz report. I've uploaded report.php into correct folder but report looks like before... i can't see "e-mail column" in report traurig

What can i do ?


my moodle >> 1.5.3+

Als Antwort auf Tomek X

Re: Additional column(s) in quiz report

von Alison Wright -

Hi Tomek

I've checked the file I gave you and it has all the email code in it.  Unfortunately, I'm not a seasoned PHP programmer.  Can't see why it won't work for you.  I have moodle 1.5.3 on a dev machine and this code change works on that. 

Perhaps the old report view is cached.  Try deleting your temporary internet files and viewing again mixed

Anyone else got any ideas? Could someone check the php script i sent Tomek, please.  Maybe i've missed something. blush


Als Antwort auf Alison Wright

Re: Additional column(s) in quiz report

von Tomek X -

Sorry Alison... i've cleared my cache and it's work now! I have empty id column but e-mail column is ok.

...and xls works lächelnd

Thanks a lot, best regards !