How to patch a new release?

How to patch a new release?

von Ger Tielemans -
Anzahl Antworten: 5

I like the version of choice where the teacher can use it to let students choose their own workgroup and their teacher can manage the choice-process by describing the theme of each group and setting the limit to the size of each group.
(students choose their groups, isn't that Moodlian smile )

Until now it did not appear in the Moodle distribution, so I have to patch it by hand...

I patched this in the current release. But what if I upgrade to the next release 1.2 and the release after that 2.0. patch again? How do I know if I can trust the patch?
(Try it, yes I feared that answer)

CVS? I did try that, and ended up with outdated pages of a previous releases, popping up in my new release... (I did not solve the conflicts correct when CVS told me to do wide eyes )

Has someone an advise?

How do others keep record of all the changes they made?

Als Antwort auf Ger Tielemans

Re: How to patch a new release?

von Martin Dougiamas -
Nutzerbild von Core developers Nutzerbild von Documentation writers Nutzerbild von Moodle HQ Nutzerbild von Particularly helpful Moodlers Nutzerbild von Plugin developers Nutzerbild von Testers
Not every hack can fit in with the overall direction of a project like this so some contributions will always be in patch form.

If you choose to start using a hack that isn't accepted to the main source then you have to be prepared to maintain it yourself. CVS is indeed the best tool for managing this situation, I advise you take another look at it and actually pay attention to those conflict messages when they appear. zwinkernd
Als Antwort auf Ger Tielemans

Re: How to patch a new release?

von John Gone -
I keep a readme.txt file on my desktop to record any changes I've made. I read that two or three times before I upgrade my Moodle. I use readme.txt files for everything though, I'm practising for when I'm beyond 180 yrs old, I'm anticipating some minor memory issues to manifest themselves by then smile
Als Antwort auf John Gone

Re: How to patch a new release?

von Ger Tielemans -

Re: How to patch a new release?
door ger tielemans - woensdag, 7 januari 2004, 22:26


I first looked on for a kind of automated doc-system, but could notting find that was easy enough for me. (But so I found OWL..)

 I created a personal wiki (in Swiki) for our current School Moodle with:

  • a "handmade" tree of the directories of Moodle on the left.
  • the endbranches or leaves of this tree contain the Moodle files as file-attachments
  • on the leaves I write the changes I took from contributers &forums for that set of files
  • on the right are "loose" ideas I copied from the forums and cannot hang in the tree on the left
  • The bold word Plotinos comtains a minitree with on the leaves our local changes like the LDAP login etc..
  • (if eWiki comes available, I move this to eWiki inside our Moodle, kind of Unix yellow Pages?)
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