Private Courses - Hidden from all but enrolled students - Moodle 3.9

Private Courses - Hidden from all but enrolled students - Moodle 3.9

by Dave Emsley -
Number of replies: 2

Hi all,

I want to hide some courses from all but enrolled students.  Is this possible?

I tried hiding the category but that makes the course unavailable to everyone also.

Best Regards


In reply to Dave Emsley

Re: Private Courses - Hidden from all but enrolled students - Moodle 3.9

by Dave Sherwin -
Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers

We do modify Roles and permissions roles to hide content and change permissions in some courses. This has been working for us to limit some access and editing of content for a course. Not sure but what if you would change the student roles permission to view course that are hidden? You may need to experiment with the settings to get what you desire, but be careful to check the Risks. Note we only change for certain courses not as a site setting. 
Screenshot of student permissions which Inherit is for student not to view hidden courses, so if you could test the Allow setting to see what happens???
Attachment MoodleStudentPermissionToViewHiddenCourses.png
In reply to Dave Sherwin

Re: Private Courses - Hidden from all but enrolled students - Moodle 3.9

by Dave Emsley -
Hi dave, Good points on risks. Basically we wanted a metacourse for enrolment purposes only and to hide this so ti doesn't confuse the users.