Session time and total time from Articulate Storyline content

Re: Session time and total time from Articulate Storyline content

Zoran Jančić - келді
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Particularly helpful Moodlers қатысушының суреті
The Articulate content often sends cmi.core.session_time to the Moodle. That's some kind of temporary value because we don't know if the user finished his SCORM session or not. When SCORM session ends, Moodle reads the last cmi.core.session_time recieved from the SCORM in that session and adds that to the cmi.core.total_time in the database. Each SCORM package (and each SCO) has it's own cmi.core.total_time. The problem is that sometimes a user doesn't close the browser window or the content window and just closes the laptop. Laptop goes to sleep but html session doesn't end so Moodle doesn't recieve the info that the user finished the SCORM. When the user turns the laptop on again wakeing it from the sleep, html session is already gone and Moodle never gets the info that user's SCORM session ended so it never adds cmi.core.session_time to the cmi.core.total_time. The solution would be that the Moodle adds first cmi.core.session_time to cmi.core.total_time when SCORM sends the cmi.core.session_time for the first time in the session. Later, for each subsequent cmi.core.session_time recieved from the content, the Moodle would have to calculate the difference between this one and the previous cmi.core.session_time received in the same SCORM session and add that difference to the cmi.core.total_time. So, cmi.core.total_time would be updated correctly each time the content sends the new cmi.core.session_time. If the user doesn't close the content window or the browser window and the Moodle never receives the info that SCORM session ended, cmi.core.session_time is still recorded in the database using all cmi.core.session_time values received from the content during that SCORM session.

I'm not sure if some kind of solution can be done from the content side also, but I doubt it.