moodledata and database in a newer version of moodle?

moodledata and database in a newer version of moodle?

por Elise Legerstee -
Número de respostas: 3


I have the moodledata and the backup of a database from an old moodle website. The website used 3.6.3+ (Build: 20190508). I don't have the moodle code of this site. Aside from this, I have a moodle site, using Moodle 3.9.2 (Build: 20200914). Is it possible to open and view the content of the old site using the newer website? 

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En resposta a Elise Legerstee

Re: moodledata and database in a newer version of moodle?

por Leon Stringer -
Imaxe de Core developers Imaxe de Particularly helpful Moodlers

You can't view the content through the newer site.

To access anything on the old site you could set up a separate site, e.g. on the server alongside the 3.9.2 site or on a PC so that it's only available to you, e.g. using a VM. To do this you would need to download the 3.6.3+ Moodle source code and manually configure config.php to use the restored Moodledata and database.

This would require technical skill but is perfectly feasible. You can post questions here if you get stuck.

Once the restored copy of the 3.6.3+ site was working then you could back up and restore courses to the new site if required.

Media de puntuacións:Useful (1)
En resposta a Elise Legerstee

Re: moodledata and database in a newer version of moodle?

por Visvanath Ratnaweera -
Imaxe de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imaxe de Translators
As Leon has already pointed out, you have to forget the 3.9 for the time being and get a 3.6 up with those backups. The usual procedure is documented under The difference is that you don't have the original 3.6 code. But you can get that from
Media de puntuacións:Useful (1)