Error while enrolling an user to moodle

Error while enrolling an user to moodle

על ידי Mauricio Trindade בתאריך
מספר תגובות: 0

Dear people,

When I try to manually enroll somebody to moodle (3.7.2) , the following happens :

1. I get an error : "Call to undefined method cachestore_dummy::find_by_prefix()"

2. The pearson is enrolled, even though

3. The system does not send the e-mail to the new user to change the password, as usual

I am the administrator. Is it possible to investigate and tackle the problem using just the administrative tools in the moodle itself ?

HINT : In the notifications page the is a message saying "The time between the last two runs of the cron maintenance script was over 200 seconds. We recommend configuring it to run more frequently."


Mauricio trindade

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