Moodle 3.9 H5P problem

Er: Re: Moodle 3.9 H5P problem

yazan Iñigo Zendegi Urzelai -
Yanıt sayısı: 5
Core developers 'ın resmi Plugin developers 'ın resmi

Hi there,

We are also experiencing that same issue with a lot of "Missing translation" messages when adding H5P content to the content bank.

I've tried reinstalling all the other langpacks and clearing the caches but that didn't solve the problem. In our case this happens even while using the English language pack (note that some of the texts - Title, Panels - are well shown):

H5P Missing translations

Looking at the logs I've seen this error message that seems to be related:

Default exception handler: Invalid content ID Debug:
Error code: invalidcontentid
* line 498 of /lib/setuplib.php: moodle_exception thrown
* line 67 of /contentbank/contenttype/h5p/classes/form/editor.php: call to print_error()
* line 214 of /lib/formslib.php: call to contenttype_h5p\form\editor->definition()
* line 59 of /contentbank/classes/form/edit_content.php: call to moodleform->__construct()
* line 95 of /contentbank/edit.php: call to core_contentbank\form\edit_content->__construct()

We are using Moodle 3.9.1, if you need more data tell me what could be meaningful for you.


Iñigo Zendegi Urzelai yanıt olarak

Re: Er: Re: Moodle 3.9 H5P problem

yazan Maresa Mühlemeier -
I'm experiencing the exact same problem. Were you able to fix it by now? I appreciate any tipp 😊
Maresa Mühlemeier yanıt olarak

Re: Er: Re: Moodle 3.9 H5P problem

yazan Ryan Smith -

It ended up being a language pack issue for us. For some reason, the en_us language pack was only partially downloaded and missing files. I re-installed the pack and it fixed the H5P string issues. Good luck!

Ryan Smith yanıt olarak

Re: Er: Re: Moodle 3.9 H5P problem

yazan Maresa Mühlemeier -

Thank you! Sadly, for us this did not solve the problem. Did you reinstall the package via the moodle administration pages or in any other way?
We checked the strings and a lot seem to be missing but also don't get installed when updating the packages, so I'm wondering which way of installing you used that was successul.

Iñigo Zendegi Urzelai yanıt olarak

Re: Er: Re: Moodle 3.9 H5P problem

yazan Rajneel Totaram -
Core developers 'ın resmi Plugin developers 'ın resmi
We had been experiencing this as well.

After spending many hours trying to find the cause and a fix, this is what we found.

The language files (en.js, etc) in the H5P library (h5p/h5plib/v124/joubel/editor/language/) got converted to Windows format by our git client.
The code to parse the H5P language file expects Unix file formats and was, therefore, not able to correctly parse the language strings.

Replacing the files in h5p/h5plib/v124/joubel/editor/language/ and rebuilding cache fixed the issue.

See for more details.

Hope this helps.