Not Able to get the 'Grade to Pass' from moodle quiz and to find if the quiz taken is a pass/fail based on this value.

Not Able to get the 'Grade to Pass' from moodle quiz and to find if the quiz taken is a pass/fail based on this value.

per varsha nayanar -
Nombre de respostes: 0

I need to get the 'grade to pass' from each quiz to see if the student pass/fail based on the 'grade to pass' value provided by the teacher .I have tried something like below but the response is an empty array.

$gradeitems=$DB->get_records('grade_items', array('id' => $quiz_id,'courseid' => $course_id));
Is there some way to see if the quiz taken is pass or fail? I am able to get database table data from quiz,attempt and event etc.
This does not include the above data to check if the student passed/failed.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Mitjana de qualificacions: -